Helianthus annuus AKA Big Yellow Sunflower

Sunflower Competition!

Wednesday 22nd April 2020—Monday 31st August 2020

Dig for victory!

Join Darcy Coles-Gubb and grow a little love warmth and cheer thats good for the bees this summer. And tell us all about your growings on....

Walthamstow resident Darcy Coles-Gubb is an 8 year old with growing ambition and has come up with a cheeky little competition to keep things interesting over the next few weeks. The fabulous local garden centre Lancasters (@Lancastersonline) has offered a £20 voucher for the winner!

The goal? Grow the biggest bestest sunflower! Sow a little seed of sunny hope for our bees and butterflies and keep Darcy updated with the progress. Darcy and family can keep you posted with growing tips and advice via instagram to get your sunflower as tall as possible. Then on a date in the mid-late summer you will be asked for your measurement photo complete with Sunflower, tape measure (and hopefully a step ladder)!

Darcy is leaving out seeds for people to pick up on their daily exercise. So if you need some seeds pop by 103 Kitchener Rd London E17 4LJ and help share a bit of love and positive planting vibes in the ‘hood.

Darcy has written full instructions about how to grow your sunflowers in our Journal Section.

And you can contact @stowandgrow for more details.