The Community Healing Garden
Welcome William Morris ward residents!
The Community Healing Garden is a forest garden of edible and medicinal perennials and a social hub for local residents. We are funded by William Morris Big Local and the garden is part of the Outdoor Spaces project to green up the ward. The bed is on the corner of Forest Road and South Countess Road, opposite the fire station.
Everyone is welcome to take part in it and the idea is that it will grow into a tiny forest of wonder with useful herbs, fruits and plants for the neighbours to use - so tell us what you'd like to grow there and if you have plants you like then come and plant them!
We will be doing monthly sessions at the bed from April 2019 till the end of the year, to plant, take care, harvest and also do skillsharing sessions in herbal medicine, forest gardening and other aspects of land care in the city. Keep an eye on this page for updates, and if you want to be added to the mailing list to get news of the sessions, email
The Community Healing Garden
Forest Road / Countess Rd London E17 5JT UK