Wood Street Plot to Plate Edible Garden
Wood Street Plot to Plate Edible Garden

Wood Street Plot to Plate Edible Garden

Monday 6th May 2024

Forest flora wood street garden

We need volunteers to help develop and look after the Plot to Plate Garden and make it a success. Register your interest.

Save the Date
Monday 6th May

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded one year’s funding by Waltham Forest to create a community garden growing edible crops. We’ll be offering regular gardening workshops to help you learn how to grow your own food and in partnership with The Lacy Nook restaurant there will be cooking workshops by chefs from diverse cultures and opportunities to taste healthy fresh dishes using our produce.

From vegetable waste to edible crops

We aim to manage the garden in a sustainable and climate resilient way so we’ll compost all the vegetable waste from The Lacy Nook and use it to grow edible crops. We’ll also be harvesting rainwater and growing other plants that support pollinators and building a pond for wildlife.

Come along and get involved

We want to recruit volunteers to get involved in community food growing and gardening. We’re planning a launch event on Monday 6th May 2024 from 10am—1pm, so save the date and come along and get involved.

Poster v2

Find out more:

Instagram @forestflorapath

A partnership between Forest Flora Path CIC, Wood Street Walls CIC and The Lacy Nook

Funded by London Borough of Waltham Forest